The Learning Modules
In 5 modules you will learn the the functioning of smart production using components like cyber physical systems, VR/AR, Cobots and data driven industry 4.0 manufacturing.
news & EVENTS
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Project & Partners
Read more about the Erasmus+ project “VLEFACTORY”. Get to know its european partners and the involved persons.
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VLEFACTORY Learning Modules
erasmus days|12.10.23| Iisalmi
VLEFACTORY team presented and shared the project and and the expierences from the last 2 years.
3.LTTA|12.10.23| Iisalmi
At 12. & 13.10.23 the last LTTA took place in Iisalmi. Practical experiences and testing learning materials are main topics of the days.
4.TPM |10.10.23| Kuopio
At 10. & 11.10.23 the last TPM of the project took place. A big point is the achieved results and the view in the future.
2.Multiplier Event |17.05.23| Ulfborg
At 17.05.23 the 2nd Multiplier Event informed about the created online learning modules.
2.LTTA |28.03.23| Gaggenau
At 28-30.03.23 the 2nd LTTA took place in Gaggenau. Over 30 students from Finland, Denmark and Germany take place at the project activity with case studies.
3.TPM |07.02.23| Gaggenau
At 07and 08.02.23 the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting took place in Gaggenau. Further project steps and the upcoming LTTA in Gaggenau were discussed.
LTTA |24.10.22| Ulfborg
From 25.10.22 till 27.10.22 the LTTA took place in Ulfborg. There took part around 40 students and 10 teachers. They worked in different fields of industry 4.0 themes.
2.TPM |06.10.22| Viborg
At 05. & 06.10.22 the 2nd Transnational Projet Meeting took place in Viborg. Further project steps and the upcoming LTTA were discussed.
report 1. Multiplier Event |29.09.22| Iisalmi
At 28.09. the 1.Multiplier Event took place. The video from the event can be watched here.
1.Multiplier Event |28.09.22| Iisalmi
Welcome to Ysao to learn more about Industry 4.0 in the context of the VLEFactory project. The project will produce materials for learning about Industry 4.0 in a multinational context and will visit schools of the project partners to learn about Industry 4.0 together.
student thesis |05.09.22| Kuopio
Two students of technical college from CBS Gaggenau visited SAVONIA at Kuopio and its smart factory for creating their thesis about smart mini factories.
erasmus exchange |15.04.22| Iisalmi
Three teachers from CBS Gaggenau visited YSAO at Iislami and SAVONIA at Kuopio. Time was used for getting a better understanding of the communalities and exploring of the smart factories.